Sunday, January 18, 2009

Approaching History

It seems at this time we are all living through many "firsts" within the history of our nation and even personally.

As we all know we are facing an unknown territory regarding our economic stability. We are watching a domino affect which started with bad loan practices for homes. That one practice is pushing many other aspects of our economy to the brink. The banking institutions decided to relax the home loan qualifications. So yes, of course, they are in trouble. The homeowners which decided to buy above and beyond their means are in trouble. When the banks credit seized the ability for small businesses to obtain credit to run their companies stoped, and they in turn were in trouble. As the stock market fell and our 401K's lost 25% of their respected values the everyday American started to fell the affects of this debacle. Because of the events above our government started to step in and give out hundreds of billions of dollars to the banking industry, the automotive industry, and hopefully now they will turn their attention to the Amercian people via Tax Breaks.

I hear the murmurs of the "Depression 2.0" etc. I run the Channels/Alliance Team for the Central United States for a Software On Demand provider. So I work with many different organizations which provides many different products and services. I hear and see how this environment is affecting their respected businesses in different ways. I see layoff's, re-organization, a slow in their sales activity, and I hear not fear in their voices but a tone of "I do not know".

Will we return to business as usual? We never left however we are learning how to survive and be successful in this tough environment. Will the market rebound? Yes it will. Will it be because of bail packages or because we allow the market the correct itself. I see both playing an important role. The people who are being affected by this in the worst ways must supported and helped via tax breaks, tax credits, and re-structured home loans. I feel strongly that the market must correct itself. The only way we can help this happen is through economic activity via true stimulus plans not continued monetary bailout plans.

We are ushering out a President which put $11.5 TRILLION dollars on the United States "Credit Card" who faced many "firsts" for a president. 9/11, obtaining the highest approval rating, and the lowest approval rating, started two large military operations, and he put over 700 detainees in "GITMO". "GITMO" being the United States luxurious resort for anyone which could be a terrorist which will never stand trial or have fair access to legal representation. I could go on and on about President Bush. I would like to think that he has tried to do his best. I would like to think that he is not a stupid man. I would like to think that he found logic in attacking Iraq opposed to actually bringing the war to Osama Bin Laden.

Bottom line we elected twice the worst man for the job. A president which surrounded himself with a team of people which lacked morals, innocent intent, and the mission to serve the American people. Dick Chaney wanted to fulfill a self serving agenda. The silver lining to all of this is that the administrations eight years in office is over. They will be leaving office with the lowest approval rating of all time, 22%. It would also not surprise me if this President does something no other President has ever done. Another first! I predict he may Pardon his Administration to protect himself and members of his team by issuing a broad pardon for any crimes committed in the course of fighting terrorism.

The Constitution allows the president to issue such a blanket, pre-emptive pardon. The only real reason the president may issue a broad pardon anyway for fear that the Obama administration would reach different conclusions regarding the way President Bush and his team have ran the country for the last eight years. A pardon would flout the principle that even the president is not above the law. No president, not even Richard Nixon facing possible Watergate charges, has ever pardoned himself.

The president should resist the temptation to pardon, because a pardon would flout the principle that even the president is not above the law. No president, not even Richard Nixon facing possible Watergate charges, has ever pardoned himself. President Bush must be dissuaded from that course. Ordinarily, it falls to the Justice Department to investigate and prosecute federal crimes. But under the American system, the Justice Department is part of the executive branch, meaning the president can order it to overlook crimes he approves of. That’s why the Justice Department has ignored, for example, the crime of waterboarding, a form of torture—mock execution by drowning—that has been prosecuted as a war crime in the United States for more than 100 years. I feel that President Bush has nothing to worry about, the new administration believes in moving forward and has far to many important fish to fry like the two wars and our economy. However you never know Mr. Cheney and President Bush may get a knock at their front doors four years from know.

The most gratifying "first" I see on the horizon is the swearing in of our first African American President of the United States. What can I say about Barack Obama which has not been said? Nothing. What I can share is the excitement I have about the new administration. I can tell you that I am filled with hope. I can tell you that I understand that the changes that must be made will happen however the results will take time. I can tell you that I thrilled with the team he has put together. I like the fact that he is truly working across party lines and values the input of Republicans. I am positive that the perception of America will improve around the globe due to our new President and his new foreign policies he is going to put in place. I can tell you I am ready for the change and I welcome it with open arms!

When I started this blog I said that we all are living through many "firsts" as a country and as individuals. This is my first blog of many and I look forward to each and every one of them. I look forward to writing more about the Obama administration, our position in Iraq, our economy, and personal issues as well.

I am looking forward to 2009 and I have made changes in my life to make the most of this year. I just had a back surgery so I should be able to start working out again. I have made changes in the friends I will have moving forward in my life. I am learning the older I become the amount of friends are not important, it is the quality of friends which is. My wife and I are starting to make significant decisions which will affect our lives for the better and I am looking forward to the future more than ever.

Until I blog again,


I would also like to recognize Kenneth Roth writer for The Daily Beast. All the words in bold have been taken from his article. Please click this link to read more.

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